Page 10 - MS Holiday 2024 - Final
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New!                                            New. Music Manuscript Notebooks
                                                       Calling all music enthusiasts and aspiring   F. 100 Most Beautiful
                                                       composers! Elevate your musical journey   Piano Solos
                                                       with the Music Manuscript           From ‘Clair de Lune’ to ‘Stardust’
                                                       Notebooks. Crafted with convenience in   to ‘What a Wonderful World’,
                                                       mind, each sheet is micro-perforated for   this compilation of piano solos
                                                       easy removal. Plus, the acid-free and   has something for everyone.
                                                       archival quality paper ensures that your   It includes classical music,   F
                                                       compositions will stand the test of time. 48   standards and popular music,
                                                       sheets (96 pages). Sturdy cardboard back   and even a few Broadway tunes.
                                                       cover. Measures 81⁄2'' W x 11'' H.    Softcover, 460 pages. 9" x 12".
                                                       $5.99 each.                         618371   $29.99
                                                       Wide Stave    641939
                                                       Standard Stave   641932             G. Bach ‘n’ Roll Book
                                                                                           What would it sound like if
                                                                                           Beethoven had composed
                                                                                           Queen’s ‘Somebody to Love’,
                                                                                           or Mozart penned The Beatles’
                                                                                           ‘Yesterday’? 20 classic pop and                   EarMaster 7 Professional
                                                                                           rock songs have been arranged                     Training Software
                                                                                           in the style of classical   G                     Newly released EarMaster 7 Professional
                                                       Wide Stave      Standard Stave      composers in this remarkable                      CD-ROM teaches ear training for all
                                                                                           songbook that fans of both                        musicians, at any playing level, on any
                                                               New!                        genres will appreciate.                           instrument.
      A. Guitar Method Instructional  D. New. Stick Control for the                        Softcover, 112 pages. 9" x 12".                   It includes over 2,500 ear training lessons
      The Easiest Way to learn guitar at home   Snare Drummer Book  D                      618339   $19.99                                   for recognizing and transcribing intervals,
      with over 190 easy-to-follow lessons.   George Lawrence Stone's Stick                                     H                            chords, scales, rhythms and melodies.
      Features Chord Recognition, Jam Tracks,   Control is the original classic, often     H. 50 Songs You Should                            Learn to play, improvise, notate
      Popular Songs, and Much More!   called the bible of drumming. This is                Play                                              and compose by ear.
      System requirements:            the ideal book for improving "control,               These books provide everthing                     For Windows and Mac.
      For Windows and Mac.            speed, flexibility, touch, rhythm,                   you need to play 50 of the most                   617214   $59.99
      CD-ROM.  New Version 6.         lightness, delicacy, power, endurance,               popular songs. Made especially for
      637495   $59.99                 preciseness of execution, and                        beginning drummers, guitarists
                                      muscular coordination," with extra                   and pianists. Softcover measures
                                      attention given to the development of                9" x 12".
                                      the weak hand. Soft cover. 46 pages.                 638310  Piano - Popular Songs
                                      641862   $11.99                                      208 Pages   $16.99
                                 A                             E
                                      E. Piano & Keyboard Method
                                      Learn to play piano quickly with over
                                      300 easy-to-follow piano lessons that
                                      take you from basics such as proper
                                      hand position to playing in C position,
                                      playing piano scales, learning how to
                                      read standard music notation for
                                      piano, and much more. Learning to
                                      play piano is made more fun with
                                      popular songs made famous by Billy
                                      Joel, Elton John, Scott Joplin, J.S. Bach,
                                      and others. For Windows and Mac.
                                      640777   $59.99

      B. Folding
      Full-Desk Stand
      A full-desk stand that                                                                I
      you can take anywhere!
      This portable music stand                                                            I. Songs Of The Decade, Book & Online Audio
      unfolds to give you a full                                                           Each volume in this series includes sheet music and backing tracks
      20" x 13" solid desk. Made from                                                      of approximately 100 popular songs of that decade. A unique code is
      black anodized aluminum and                                                          printed in each book to access the audio tracks online for streaming or
      nylon components, this stand                                                         downloading. For piano, vocal and guitar. Softcover, 9" x 12".
      weighs just 4 lbs and fits the                               C                       Songs of the 1960s, 416 pages  623645  $29.99   New!
      included 28" x 6" x 6" nylon case.                                                   Songs of the 1970s, 470 pages  623653  $36.99
      Height adjustable from 23" to 57".                                                   Songs of the 1980s, 448 pages  636605  $36.99     New. Singing Method Software
      572614   $84.99               B                                                      Songs of the 1990s, 455 pages  639389  $29.99     Learn to sing or improve your singing
                                                                                           Songs of the 2000s, 462 pages  639398  $29.99     with this DVD-ROM featuring over
      C. Deluxe Portable                                                                   Songs of the 2010s, 426 pages  639405  $29.99     200 lessons, from the basics of proper
      Hamilton Music Stand                                                                                        J                          technique to projecting your voice to
      Perfect for musicians on the go,                                                     J. First 50 Disney Songs                          developing skills like sight reading.
      our light and portable stand sets                                                    Easy Piano Book                                   Interactive feedback tells you if you’re in
      up quickly and easily. The desk adjusts                                              Featuring contemporary and classic                tune and provides performance
      to any angle and the height adjusts                                                  Disney hits, this songbook is the perfect         evaluation, while the digital recorder lets
      from 24" to 55". Spring page holders                                                 way to take a novice pianist to the next          you save your lessons for review. Utilizing
      may be folded away if not needed.                                                    level. It features 50 simply arranged,            music from every genre, this is a great
      Folds down to fit the included carry                                                 must-know Disney favorites in easy piano          tool for those who aren’t quite ready to
      bag with shoulder strap.                                                             notation. 9" X 12", softcover, 208 pages.   J     sing for others.  For Windows and Mac.
      640784  $29.99                                                                       641681   $22.99                                   617206   $59.99
      10                                                                                                                         (877) 621-0010   11
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