Page 67 - MS Spring 2024
P. 67
O. Personalized Accessories
A C Music Stand exclusives! Choose from a wide range of O
B D E vibrant modern art designs, and personalize with any
name. Available in an aluminum water bottle with two
F tops, dishwasher/microwave safe ceramic mug and
fabric mousepad with non-slip rubber backing.
Ceramic Pencil Holder, 33/4" tall. 590835 $11.99
Aluminum Water Bottle, 20 oz. 589570 $19.99
Coffee Mug, 11 oz. 537897 $11.99
Mousepad, 91/4" x 73/4" 537912 $9.99
P-Q. Music Themed Writing Journals
Our new writing journals are sure to appease the
most creative minds. Truly distinctive cover design is
a wonderfully unique gift for any music lover.
A-F. Eraser-Tipped Pencils I-J. Musical Card Games 50 lined sheets, 5.25" x 8.25". $9.99 each
Many designs to choose from; These award winning games prove I
golden metallic, smart black, bright that learning to read music can be P. Colorful Notes JOU2
neon, piano keys, pastels and more. fun. Crazy 8ths cards are perfect for Q. Piano and Rose JOU3
Wood pencil with an eraser tip. beginning piano student. Totally
Some have assorted colors, please Treble cards are perfect for students of
let us choose. $0.49 each. treble clef instruments and piano
A. Black & White Notes 611921 students expanding their range. For
B. Metallic Gold 599201 ages 6+, one to six players. 56 game
cards and rules for six different games
C. Piano Keys 599582 in each pack. $9.99 each.
D. Happy Notes 580282 I. Crazy 8ths 624321
E. I Love To Sing 599615 J. Totally Treble 624339 J
F. Piano Keys Black 635821
K. Grand Piano P
Sticky Notes Pad
Piano shaped sticky Q
notes with plenty
of room for posting
notes to yourself, your K R-W. New. Boxed Notecard Set
students or colleagues. Boxed Notecards. 10 Cards and 10 Envelopes.
3" x 4". Approximately Unique music them designs (more choices online). Drumset Singing Theatre Trumpet
G 25 sheets. 4 3⁄16" by 3 1/2" $8.99 Set of 10.
625701 $2.29 R. A Thank You Note RBS05
S. A Note To Say RBS02
L. ‘Strummin’ Guitar Pen T. Piano and Roses RN01
G. Treble-Clef Bookmarks Make another kind of guitar L RN12 Best
Fill your favorite songbooks with this notation with this black ink U. Beethoven Pop Art BS03 Sellers!
rainbow of treble clef bookmarks, or ballpoint pen. Handpainted V. Instruments Clarinet Saxophone Grand Piano Music Cat
share them with your fellow resin. 6" long. Colors vary. W. Classical Pieces BS04
musicians. 2" x 6", set of 8 flexible Sold individually. New!
plastic bookmarks in assorted colors. 641227 $5.49 M. Ultimate Trivia Game R
602795 $9.99 Are you a fan of everything from funk
and soul to rock and roll? We'll see how
much you really know with our Ultimate Keyboard Elec. Guitar Elec. Bass Acoustic
Music Trivia Cards. 100 cards.
641340 $9.99 New!
L S New. Clear Pencil Pouch Pack
Handy for pens, pencils, reeds, strings, guitar picks, and all the
H. Cut-Out Instrument M other bits and pieces a music student needs. Clear plastic. 9" x 6"
Acrylic Magnets with zipper closure. Shown with items included.
Simple and striking, these $7.99 each.
shaped magnets feature crisp Piano Keyboard Pack 640592
photo images of your favorite T Wavy Notes Pack 640599
instrument affixed to magnetic
backing and mounted to clear
1 ⁄8" thick acrylic. $5.49 Individual Pouches are also available for
each. $1.79 each. $1.59 when you buy 12 or more.
Clarinet, 61/2" 614816 Piano Keyboard Pouch only 640578
Saxophone, 33/4" 613791 U Wavy Notes Pouch only
Trumpet, 41/4" 614808 N. Pop Culture Trivia Game New!
Drumset, 21/2" 613741 Wow friends and family with your V
Trombone, 5" 613725 impressive knowledge of pop culture.
Ukulele, 4" 613767 Touchpoints music, movies and more.
Electric Bass, 41/2" 613759 Game contains 50 pop
Piano Keys, 4" 613733 culture trivia questions W
Treble Clef, 33/4" 613709 in a tin, which makes it
Flute, 73/4" 614824 easy and convenient to
Acoustic Guitar, 4" 621460 take with you to any
Bass Clef, 21/2" 621478 gathering. 50 Cards
Grand Piano 3" 621486 2.36" W x 4.45" H.
641354 $6.99
66 N (877) 621-0010 67