Page 7 - Holiday Catalog 2021 Interactive
P. 7
F. 100 Most Beautiful
Piano Solos
From ‘Clair de Lune’ to ‘Stardust’
to ‘What a Wonderful World’,
this compilation of piano solos
has something for everyone.
It includes classical music,
standards and popular music,
and even a few Broadway tunes. F
Softcover, 460 pages. 9" x 12".
618371 $29.99
G. Bach ‘n’ Roll Book
What would it sound like if
Beethoven had composed
Queen’s ‘Somebody to Love’,
or Mozart penned The Beatles’
‘Yesterday’? 20 classic pop and
rock songs have been arranged EarMaster 7 Professional
in the style of classical Training Software
composers in this remarkable G Newly released EarMaster 7 Professional
songbook that fans of both CD-ROM teaches ear training for all
genres will appreciate. musicians, at any playing level, on any
Softcover, 112 pages. 9" x 12". instrument.
618339 $14.99 It includes over 2,000 ear training lessons
for recognizing and transcribing intervals,
H. Hamilton - The Musical chords, scales, rhythms and melodies.
The blockbuster musical came to Learn to play, improvise, notate
Broadway and beyond with its and compose by ear.
riveting tale of one of country's For Windows and Mac OS X.
founding fathers. This collection 617214 $59.99
features nine arrangements of the
music penned by Lin-Manuel H
Miranda. Easy play selections.
Softcover, 80 pages. 9" x 12"
639172 $19.99
I. Songs Of The Decade, Book & Online Audio
Each volume in this series includes sheet music and backing tracks
of approximately 100 popular songs of that decade. A unique code is
printed in each book to access the audio tracks online for streaming or
downloading. For piano, vocal and guitar. Softcover, 9" x 12".
Songs of the 1960s, 416 pages 623645 $27.99
Songs of the 1970s, 470 pages 623653 $27.99
Songs of the 1980s, 448 pages 636605 $29.99 Singing Method Software
Songs of the 1990s, 455 pages 639389 $29.99 Learn to sing or improve your singing
Songs of the 2000s, 462 pages 639398 $29.99 with this DVD-ROM featuring over
200 lessons, from the basics of proper
J. A Charlie Brown J J technique to projecting your voice to
Christmas New! developing skills like sight reading.
Featuring all ten of Vince Interactive feedback tells you if you’re in
Guaraldi’s arrangments of this tune and provides performance
Christmas classic, arranged for evaluation, while the digital recorder lets
easy piano. you save your lessons for review. Utilizing
Also includes 8 pages of music from every genre, this is a great tool
colorful Peanuts illustrations. for those who aren’t quite ready to sing
9" X 12", softcover, 48 pages. for others. For Windows and Mac OS X.
625024 $15.99 617206 $59.99
(877) 621-0010 7