Page 59 - Holiday Catalog 2021 Interactive
P. 59

L-O. Sheet Music Gift Wrap Sets  Stocking Stuffers

     When you have that exceptional gift to
     give to that extra special person, this is the paper you’ll
     want to wrap it in. Our sets include three 27 ⁄2" x 19 ⁄4"   L
     sheets of deluxe wrapping paper and three gift tags.
     Made in the UK.
     $8.99 each
     L.  White Script   GWP01
     M. Black Script   GWP02
     N.  Combo Clefs  GWP03
     O. Instruments   GWP05
     P. New. Tchaikovsky Pen with Stylus
     ‘Truly there would be a reason to go mad were
     it not for music.’ Insightful words from   P
     Tchaikovsky are are laser-engraved on the royal
     purple background of this black ink pen with
     stylus. Buy ten or more, save $.20 each.
     602498   $4.49

     Q. Musings Journal Set
     Crafted from recycled materials, this eco-friendly
     notebook features a black ink ballpoint pen, and a
     stretchy cord to hold the book shut when you're not       R
     jotting down your thoughts. 70 lined sheets, spiral
     bound. 5 1/2" x 7" x 3/8"            Q
     611301   $7.99

     R. Music Notes Magic Flame Candle
     This inventive flameless candle features notes and
     clefs illuminated by an LED light that flickers like a      New!
     real candle. Just blow on the wick to turn it on and
     off. Safe and no waxy mess! Includes AA battery.  S
     614496   $14.99

     S. Treble Clef Eraser
     A useful little something for your students in
     an array of vibrant hues. 2" x  ⁄4". Allow us to
     select a color for you.
     572153   $1.69
     T. Chopin Liszt
     Going shopping will never be the same. Each pad                            W
     contains 50 sheets of ruled paper. Glue-bound to
     a cardstock backing. 4" x 8 ⁄2".   $3.99 each.
     Special: $3.49 each when you buy 10 or more.
     Chopin Liszt   CL02                                              V
     U-W. New. Humorous Memo Pads                    U
     Dash off a quick composition on 50 sheets of
     ruled paper. Glue-bound to a cardstock backing.
     4" x 8 ⁄2".   $3.99 each.  10 or more, save $.20 each.
     U. Opera Lady        CL07
     V. Cats Love Music   CL17
     W. Trebled Mind        CL18
     X. Music Ribbon Magnets
     Show your support with our 8 ⁄2"-tall vinyl magnets.
     They’re perfect for your car. At this price, you can easily   X
     get a bunch and share them with friends.
     $3.99 each.   10 or more, save $.20 each.
     Keyboard        555584
     Staff, Got Music?   586340
     Keyboard, Got Music?  542010
     Y. Luggage Tags
     Distinguish your gear, with these            Y
     durable ID tags. Plastic 4 ⁄2" x 2 ⁄4"
     tag features a clear pocket that holds
     an address label for your info, and
     attaches to your bag with a heavy-duty
     plastic loop.   $3.99 each.
     Treble Clef  599798   Piano Keys   599805
     Got Music?  573783   Band   624363
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